I’m Thankful For Being ME!

I’m Thankful For Being ME!

Kids will learn about the concept of self-acceptance—being thankful for who they are and recognizing all the things that make them unique and special. They will be encouraged to explore their own “strengths”—things that they are good at, and “weaknesses”—thing that...

The Not-So-Scary Halloween

The Not-So-Scary Halloween

Kids will love our Halloween jokes and stories and have them “SCREAMing” for more spooktacular fun! When is it bad luck to meet a black cat? What instrument does a skeleton like to play? What fruit does a vampire like to eat? Find out in our “Not-So-Scary” Halloween...

Humpty Dumpty Together Again

Humpty Dumpty Together Again

Kids will listen to traditional nursery rhymes, sing these silly rhyming poems, and find out what happens to Humpty Dumpty after he falls off the wall. From learning to count with “This Old Man,” and “Ten In The Bed,” to learning the alphabet with the “ABC Nursery...

Phonics Fun For Everyone

Phonics Fun For Everyone

Kids will have a blast saying and singing tongue twisters and learning about letters and sounds. From “Blends Are Consonant Friends,” to the silly “It’s All About Sally” song, children will learn important phonics rules that will help them with spelling and reading....

Wash Your Hands!

Wash Your Hands!

Wash your hands! Kids will learn the importance of washing their hands, when to wash their hands, and how to wash their hands with a silly sing-along song. Did you know that you should wash your hands for about 20 seconds? This is about as long as it takes to sing the...